Austin Fit Magazine
"Best Workout in Austin!"
Group HIIT Fitness • Personal Training • Mentorship Programs

Why REGYMEN is such a HIIT!
Our heart rate based HIIT workouts are incredibly effective for ALL fitness levels!
Our workouts focus on three key elements:
Variety, Intensity & Strength Training
You'll never do the same workout twice and with 3+ platforms to choose from, your body is constantly being challenged.
The functional strength training promotes lean muscle growth to help boost your metabolism, while keeping the intensity high to burn a ton of calories and maximize the "afterburn" effect!

Check out some of our amazing members!

"My father had a triple bypass at 33 and my grandfather died of a heart attack at 52. My wife pushed me to join Regymen and I'm so glad I did. I can run and play with my kids without getting tired for the first time in a long time. I got my life back."

"Joining Regymen was one of the best decisions I've ever made. The staff and coaches are so great, friendly and knowledgable. Since joining, I've gone from an XL shirt, down to a small! I could not be happier with the results!"

"I've lost 19% body fat since joining, but more importantly, I got my confidence back and believe in myself again. Regymen not only gave me the tools to lose weight, but they also taught me how to maintain my new healthier lifestyle."